As questions come up, I will post answers to the most frequent ones here. In the meantime, please feel free to send me an email at m.gill@stgeorgemsu.org.


We will have snack each day at 9:30am. Last year, the Parents Group provided classroom snacks for students that had forgotten. I am not sure if they will be doing the same for this year so I welcome any snack donations that you are able to provide for our classroom.

Water Bottles

Learning makes kids THIRSTY! Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle that they can keep at their desks. Hydrated kids are happier so I will never restrict trips to the water refilling station (or to the restroom)!

(If you need assistance with your snack supply, contact our school social worker, Stephanie Simmons at s.simmons@stgeorgemsu.org.)

Cell Phones

Student cell phones will need to be powered off and kept in their backpacks during the school day. Please call the Main Office at 372-6312 if you need to relay any information to your child throughout the school day. I will also check my email several times throughout the day so please feel free to email me if you need to pass along any info.

Outdoor learning

I am hoping to take our some of our learning outdoors. This can only happen when kids are dressed comfortably and prepared for the weather. This year, fourth graders will have personal lockers in our classroom where they can store an extra layer, rain coat/poncho, and appropriate footwear (or indoor shoes).

Homework.....or not!

There has been a lot of research about the benefits and the drawbacks of homework. You, as parents, may feel strongly one way or another. As a parent myself, I appreciated the occasional homework assignment because I felt more connected to what my kids were learning at school. On the other hand, when my child was tired or confused, homework just felt like unnecessary pressure.

My answer to this is the 'Weekly Work Packet.' Every Monday morning, the students will arrive to find a weekly work packet on their desks. I usually include things like crossword puzzles (to support spelling and vocabulary), math practice sheets, and sometimes a writing prompt. Students will have many chances to work on this packet throughout the week, i.e., during the morning when we are settling in, during Flex time if they are all caught up with the day's work, or if they are waiting for others to complete work. They may choose to take it home and work on it if they would like.

I will not be expecting you to keep a reading log at home. Group reading and independent reading will be built into our schedule everyday. That being said, I am a firm believer that there can never be enough reading so please continue to encourage your child to read at home. (Hot tip: By turning on the closed captions for their favorite show, their eyes will be drawn to the words. They will be reading and hearing the words at the same time!) They may always borrow books from my classroom library or from the Jackson Memorial Library, where we will be visiting every other week.

Lunch Ordering

Students will be able to order lunch each morning as they arrive at school so there is no need to pre-order this year. The lunch calendar can be found here.